IT Support

Here you will find instructions on the platform, an overview of IT updates and information on new functionalities.

Website Manual

Step by step instructions on how to create a club, send messages, create events and much more.

Go to Manuel

Website Video Tutorials

Video tutorials on how to create a club, send messages, create events, and more.

Go to Tutorials

IT Updates

Stay up to date on current and planned IT updates.

We also send out the status quo of all topics requested by the club presidents before each club president meeting.

What's new since the fall 2023 release update?

  • Optimization of the guest login area
  • Calendar entry in the confirmation area and in the confirmation email
  • Messages to the community can be sent to individual people in advance as a test message
  • Display of the current status of the e-mail dispatch

Further information on new functions

What else?

You have questions, ideas or see potential for optimization? Or are you missing a topic on this page? Then contact directly.